Mobile? Just Do it!

The reading is an excellent source to get started with a channel that has been ignored by mostly everyone so far: Mobile.

Why would you use mobile phones?

First, let’s clear things up: cell phones are more than mobile telephones. Not only are they capable of doing things, a phone didn’t used to do (text, web, applications, etc.), but it is also a more personal device than any other. No one shares a cell phone with someone else. it’s personal in two ways: As a campaign one can reach one and one person only with one number (other than with email, where people share addresses or more often have multiple addresses); it’s also intimate. I don’t feel very well if someone else has my cell phone. S/he could see what I was texting and with whom. Who I called last and for how long. Give me your cell phone and I can tell you if you are in a relationship, if and where you went out last night, most of the time even, when you got up (or at least when the alarm went off).

It’s also a very immediate device. Raise your hand, if you were more than two feet away from your cell phone during the last 24 hours. An Austrian blogger recently said: “In the morning, I wake up, check my phone, read new emails, react to comments on the blog and go to the loo. In that order.” Your cell phone is in arms reach 24/7.

Additionally, the opening rate is through the roof. While emails get opened somewhere below 50%, 90% of all text messages get opened by the receiver. The response rate is also higher than with emails. People react to texts. They like being asked questions. So ask them! About their ZIP code! About their favorite animal (if you are working on an animal rights campaign)! About their complaints. Then combine your cell list and your email list and send them stuff about how their fav animal is endangered. Send them a text that you just sent them an email. Combine mobile with another channel and you will see the effect.

And read the text to find all about the more technical stuff about list building, short codes and great case studies.

Today in class, I will also present findings of my thesis with my very first PREZI. It’s not very pretty yet, but I learned a ton and the next one will be better – I promise.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.944145&w=425&h=350&fv=prezi_id%3D9l_mqhlyo2cp%26lock_to_path%3D1%26color%3Dffffff%26autoplay%3Dno]

more about „Mobile? Just Do it!„, posted with vodpod

2 Kommentare zu “Mobile? Just Do it!

  1. pferdi

    yussi that’s so slick!

  2. Pingback: Not Everything on the Internet is…Part I « Yussi goes to…

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